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E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y & KEY THEMES Goodperformanceenablement hasamultiplier efect Rethinking your performancemanagement Someofthiscomes downtothetools today will have a multiplierefect, yielding far companies use. Those tools mustbe better sentiments and outcomesacross lightweight,dedicated, and easy touse your organization. in the flow of work to be useful for both performanceanddevelopment.Otherwise, employeesusethemonlyonceor twicea Thehalf ofworkers year for performancereviews, rendering these whogetmeaningful tools largely inefective when it comes to continuousperformanceimprovement. performance Thedatainthisreport makesclear how enablement — acutely performance enablement afects sentiment,well-being, and feelings of mastery havefar higher andautonomy.Good enablement isa transformational approach that changes the levels of optimism, wayemployees feel about their work, purpose, eforts, interests, and feelings of belonging. confidence, Employeeswantperformanceenablement to Theefects are synergistic.A performance help them increase their efectiveness and enablement mindsethas theability tochange engagement, and grow their careers. Thehalf of workers who hearts and minds,as well as bottom lines.It’s get meaningfulperformance enablement — anewwayof thinking about how weview our productivitythanthe including goal-setting and tracking, feedback, people —one that connects people, promotes half of employees and purposeful and ongoing conversations collaboration, values employees, and elevates —havefarhigher levels of optimism, theemployee experience. whodon’t. confidence, engagement, and productivity than thehalf of employees whodon’t. Among thelatter group, two-thirds want adequate Let’s dig into the findings. performance enablement. 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 13

The State of Performance Enablement - Page 13 The State of Performance Enablement Page 12 Page 14