Employees who have confidence in their F performancemanagement I review process have N muchhigher trust in D their organizations. IN Performancereviewprocesseshave undergonesignificantchangessincethe pandemic,butit’sclearthat thechanges G eitherhavenotgonefarenoughto substantiallyimprove employee experience orhavenotyetbeenfullyrealized. 1 Employeeshavemixedperceptions ofhow performance reviews areworking, with many citingthemas awasteoftheirtime and 1in 3callingthemanoutrightfailure.Whileteam Only 1in3 employees say the trust is largely unafected by performance reviews,faith inthe success or failureof performance management review these processesgoeshandinhandwithtrust processhelpsthem performbetter. in managers, leaders,and HR.

The State of Performance Enablement - Page 14 The State of Performance Enablement Page 13 Page 15