Employees withmoretenuredmanagers All of this should set of alarm bells for leaders RECOMMENDATION werefar morelikelytosay they liked working whowanttoensureaconsistent employee F for their manager: 56%saidthey always like experience across all managers in the I workingfor managers with10+years of tenure organization. It is clear that employersneed N versus 40% for new managers withless than todoabetterjobof trainingand supporting D twoyears of experience. Similarly,employees managers earlier in their tenure. Being anefective managerrequires I are morelikelytofeel their manager cares relational and coaching skills that may N about their career developmentwhenthat not comenaturally. HRshould support G manager has 10+years of tenure(63%)versus managers with the resources and 43%for newmanagers. training they need to communicate 5 and connect employees’ work to the organization’s purpose as well as to Satisfaction with manager conversations is linked to manager tenure coachandenable their teamsand direct reports. 31% Onperformance Strengthening your managers will Lessthan andwork goals 2years 23% Oncareer, have an outsized impact on the advancement and business. Ask them what resources professional growth and tools they require, and develop 32% a menu of support options that 2-5 years address significant needs. To 28% makeyour efort cost-efective and scalable, leverage a technology solution that allows you to embed 38% these capabilities in the flow of work 6-10years and with just-in-time, context-aware 32% nudges, recommendations, and best practices that empower managers to be their best. Morethan 45% Seekto continuously improve and 10 years 38% fine-tune your plan with managers to ensure you meettheir evolving needs. H O M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 35

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