In Finding4, wesaw how important career Managers wantmoresupport in... conversations are tomaking employees feel Only 24% of managers F supported andable tosee acritical pathway say they always get IN for internal advancement. the support they need 41% from HR 40% D Alargegroupof employeesremains IN unsatisfied withthesupporttheir managers Managerswantbettersupport from their Coaching Reviews, assessments, are giving themfor careerand development. organizations. Their top priorities are more G This shouldbeared flagfor managers. Only guidance in coaching performance (41%);help performance andratings half (51%)said their manager is a help to them with reviews, assessments, and ratings (40%); 5 in their professional growth.Another33%said and assistancein helping employees develop their manager is neither a help nor a hindrance, skills and path careers (38%). 38% 34% and 16%considered them an outright barrier to their careers. Managers are highlyreceptive toreceiving This maybe inpart becausemanagers are help and feedback.Infact, they were 15 Helpingemployeesdevelop Settingand percentagepointsmorelikelythan individual skills andpathcareers trackinggoals simplynot confident inhavingconversations contributorstosay they wantmorefeedback about careers withtheir directreports.Many on their work. supervisors —especially new managers —said they feel ill-equipped for conversations about Supportingmanagers isparticularly important 34% 32% career andadvancement. in thecurrentclimatebecausetheywere Thecoaches wantcoaching. While 71% of significantly more likely than individual Giving Providingsupportand respondentssaidtheywereabletodeliver contributorstosay they were looking for or feedback empathy toemployees high-quality performancefeedback, only 54% open tochangingjobs inthenextyear (47% felt confident ofering career development and versus 34%of individualcontributors). coaching. Oneinten didn’tfeel confident in Likeindividual contributors, managersalso Tenureisan important part of thisstory. Employee either one. have low trust in their organization’s leaders satisfaction withmanager conversations on (31%)and HR (24%)—somethingthat should performanceandcareergrowthcorrelates withthe Only 54% beconcerning for their business partners in tenureof one’s manager. of managers those areas. feel confident Whilenew managers haveroughlythesame delivering career Only24%of managers felt they always get frequencyof check-ins withtheir reportson thesupporttheyneed frompartnersinhuman performanceandcareer, wesaw thatexperience development resources, while nearly a third (32%)said they level significantly impactedemployees’ satisfaction HO and coaching rarely or never do. withtheseconversations. M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 34

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