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A framework for rethinking trust What are the underlying contributors to workplace trust? One useful model is this framework articulated by Dr. Paul White, a psychologist, speaker, and leadership expert: Competence: Character: Consistency: Believing that the colleague or Believing that the colleague or team Believing that the colleague or team has the capability (knowledge, has integrity, dependability, and team is able to and will follow experience, ability) to complete employees’ interest at heart (versus through in doing the task repeatedly the work. just his or her own interests). and consistently. COMPETENCE CHARACTER CONSISTENCY Doing one’s job well can obviously What does it mean to have a trustworthy Finally, what does it mean for leaders help peers trust one another to pull character at work? Generally speaking, to earn trust through consistency? their weight. But how does leadership it is about upholding ethics, leading Inconsistency is often a story about demonstrate competency and win trust? by example, and treating people fairly. bias and unfairness — two themes that Gallup has found trust is higher when Another piece of this — according to were prevalent in our 2023 research leaders practice three qualities: They scholars — is providing reciprocal report. Bias in the system can a昀昀ect trust lead and support change — setting and respect and trust. The 2022 Edelman in leaders and vice versa. In fact, our communicating goals that then take on Trust Barometer found that when research found that only 1 in 3 employees life throughout the organization. They organizations give people trust, see their performance review system as inspire con昀椀dence in the future, setting employees tend to be more trusting free of bias. This is problematic, as the “the expectation that every manager in return. This can be extended to research showed that more than half discusses with their team how change practicing empathy, transparency, of all employees (55%) see fairness as will impact them.” And 昀椀nally, they and looking to ESG — as the World the single most important factor in their communicate clearly — listening and Economic Forum recently found that employee experience. regularly communicating with team 74% of consumers believe that ethical members via check-ins. practices and values are crucial reasons for choosing a brand, as consumers or employees. 6 Focusing on Fairness to Close the Trust Gap

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