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Why trust matters at work Business benefits of trust: by the numbers Most of us spend a huge portion of our lifetimes in the workplace, whether in the o昀케ce From a business perspective, trust delivers or virtually. For many, a job is about much more than a paycheck. It’s a place where immense dividends. relationships are formed, goals are pursued, and challenges are overcome. Our well- being at and outside of work is profoundly in昀氀uenced by the trust we have at work. Increased productivity Scientists have found that trust a昀昀ects the actual chemistry of our brains. When we A high-trust company can see incredible feel psychologically safe, our brain releases oxytocin, a hormone often referred to as bene昀椀ts in the form of a more motivated, the “trust molecule.” Oxytocin not only bolsters feelings of bonding and security but 1 energized, and collaborative workforce. also reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. Trust in the workplace fosters a neurological According to Deloitte research, trusting environment conducive to collaboration and innovation. Work connections built on trust employees are 260% more motivated to work. are key for our sense of belonging, purpose, and overall mental and emotional health. Higher engagement The Trust Model: Earlier we mentioned that GPTW sees trust as a better predictor of a great workplace than 2engagement — but scholars have also found Organization Oxytocin Leadership that increased feelings of trust also lead to Practices Release Practices higher engagement. Reduced turnover and absenteeism According to Deloitte research, trusting employees have 41% lower rates of Engagement Performance absenteeism and are 50% less likely to look Trust 3for another job. By contrast, our own research found that those who see the review process as very biased are more than 2x as likely to Retention Innovation be looking for a new company. Stronger employer brand and EVP Well-Being Source: Kenneth M. Nowack, The Edelman Trust Barometer report has Ph.D., and Paul Zak found a correlation between trust and EVP, noting that “high employee expectations, This is why trust is a critical part of a strong employee value proposition (EVP). It’s also 4ampli昀椀ed by high levels of trust in business” why trust is rated so highly by the Great Places to Work (GPTW) organization, which says result in high levels of loyalty, advocacy, and trust is a better measure than engagement when it comes to assessing culture. discretionary e昀昀ort. 5 Focusing on Fairness to Close the Trust Gap

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