In addition to lacklusterfeelings of confidence Fewerthan1in 3employeessee Feelings of overall equity and fairness in the in performancemanagement systems,25% performancereviewsasvery employee experiencealsotakeahit.When F of employees toldus they see their current fair and equitable people feel there isbias in the system,their IN performancereview systemsas either biased feelings of belonging and value at workdrop or very biased. 42to60percentagepointsfromahighof D 70%(whentheyfeel reviewsareveryfair IN Another37%saidtheyseethesystemas only 25% andequitable). somewhat fair, and only 30% of employees G saidthey believe their review processis 37% completelyfair and equitable. 2 8% Feelings of belonging Thosewhoseethe areupto60 reviewprocessasvery 30% percentage points biasedaremorethan higher among They are somewhat fair andequitable employees who twice as likely to say They arevery fair andequitable seetheir reviews Theyarebiased as very fair theyarelookingfor Don’tknow and equitable. work elsewhere. This directlycorrelates to some of Productivity is up employees’ mostimportant metricsaround to 23 points higher Onewaytoaddress thefairness gap inreviews performanceandengagement.Whenthey (83%vs.60%)and maybetolook morecloselyat thepeople seeperformancemanagement as biased, engagement isup involved in the process. Input from a broader they often also exhibit signs of quiet quitting. array of stakeholders correlates with increased Productivity and engagementlevels drop to 14 points higher confidencein fairness: 84% of this survey’s measurably for people whobelieve reviews (71%vs. 57%) among respondentsworkinteamsat least someof the are somewhat or very biased. time,but only 29%saidfeedback fromteam employees who see membersispartof howtheir performanceis Similarly,thosewhosee thereview process their reviews as very measured. Nearly 4in5 employeessaid that as verybiased are morethan twiceas likely fair and equitable. they thinkincorporatingfeedback from twoor tosaytheyare looking for work elsewhere — morecolleagueswouldmaketheperformance HO whetheractivelyor passively. reviewsfeel unbiased. M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 19

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