Many employees see F performance reviews IN as biased, with downstream effects that D show up in higher levels IN of quiet quitting. Amajorityof employeessayperformancereviews G arebiased, whichexplainswhy manysee themas somewhat or completelyinefective.This negative sentimentshows inimportantoutcomessuchas 2 productivityand discretionaryefort —resulting in the kind of quiet quitting discussed on social media. Ourdatashowsthatwhenemployeesgetfeedback fromteammembersaswellasmanagers—and 1in3 employees see thefeedbackisused inreviews—itcorrelateswith employees’feelingthat reviewsare fairer. performance reviewsas entirely unbiased.

The State of Performance Enablement - Page 18 The State of Performance Enablement Page 17 Page 19