E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y & K E Y T H E M E S Growth, Enablement, anda FairerEmployeeDeal Tomeetthefutureof work, is still underway —powered not only by pathing for tomorrow.Ourdata shows that companiesmusthelpemployees employee resignations but also by layofs due to cultivating a good employee experience must to see a clear and fairpath for technologyshifts, inflationworries, and a threat be laser-focused on fairness and belonging for of recession. Aswesurveyed employees for this companiestosucceed. growth. This means reforgingthe second annual performanceenablementsurvey, employeedeal and proactively manydidsaytheyarestilllooking for new jobs enablingemployeestodevelop —butamajority saidtheywouldactually much Thediferenceayearmakes their careers in place, ensuring prefer todevelop and grow where they are. Webeganthisyear’s survey by looking tosee that developmentisunbiased and Moreover, employeesare stepping uptheir whathadchanged comparedtoour2022data. elevatingperceptions of inclusion. game.They arefeeling positiveabout work and Althoughsomecontinuityintheresults remained, are moreengaged andcontributingat higher there werealsonotable changes. Employee levels than last year. They are doing their part intenttoleave isroughlythesameas itwas last Companies mustfocuson providing employees tohelp their teams succeed, but manyare year: 14% of employees saythey are actively andmanagers withtheskills andtechnologyto concerned about fairness inthesystem. seeking new work versus 13% in2022. Still, talk not only about performance—but alsotheir overall, the momentum of the revolving door careers andlong-termskilldevelopment.They Toretain these employees and help them is slowing.Passivejob searching has dropped mustalsotrytoeradicatetheperceptionsof bias deliver on their potential, companies must significantly —to9%versus 22%last year. There andstagnancy thatmakeemployeesfeel less focus on a new and broader definition of is an uptickin people whoare waitingout the valuedanddrivethemtowardquitting—either the“employee deal.” That means crafting economy(6%)before theygo,butthereare quietlyor loudly. an employee value proposition (EVP)that morepeople whoplantostay intheircurrent includes not only traditional total rewards, but job (40%),andmorepeople whoare looking Disruption has becomethenewnormal inthe amodernperformance managementapproach for advancement intheircurrentcompany (17% workplace (andall our lives), and 2023 isshaping that reflects the needs of today’s workforce versus 13% last year.) up to be no diferent. The Great Reshufe and embracesskills development and career

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