T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 03. 05. 14. 18. Forward:ALetterfrom ExecutiveSummary Finding 1: Finding 2: theCEO &KeyThemes Employeeswhohaveconfidence Many employees see performance in their performance management reviews as biased, withdownstream review process have muchhigher efects that show up in higher levels trust in their organizations. of quiet quitting. 22. 26. 31. 36. Finding 3: Finding 4: Finding 5: Finding 6: Employeesfeel generally positive Employeesdon’t feel supported in Managers—especially newer Half of employees are not about work, ranking fairness as their careers. managers—wantandneed help getting adequate performance their top concern for a good having conversations withemployees enablement —suchas goal setting employee experience. on career, advancement,and andtracking, feedback, and professional growth. meaningful,ongoing conversations. 41. 42. Conclusion AboutthisSurvey 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 2

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