F O R W A R D : A L E T T E R F R O M T H E C E O AsHRandbusiness leaders, weliveina I completely understand having taken uniquelyexciting time.Atnoother point Betterworks throughthis period as the CEO. in modernhistoryhavewedealt witha ButIwanttochallengeyoutoview allof this confluenceof forces insuch ashort period throughadiferent lens. Yes,it’s been difcult thatare fundamentally changingtheway we tosaytheleast. Butyou have theopportunity workandwhatweexpect fromit. now—andIwouldsaytheprivilege —to bebold,tolead your organization intothe Thepandemicforever altered our next frontierby helping evolve the way your perspectiveson theimportanceof work people work intoa far better state. in relation toour lives, what wevalue, and whereandhowwework.Concurrently, Oursecond annual Stateof Performance wearedealing withtheneed toup-level Enablementreport is our efort tohelp us theemployeeexperience, accelerate andyou trulyunderstand whatmattersto thedevelopmentof anew generation of theworkforce – what employees want,what managers, and provide transparency to enhances their experience of workand what The best companies don’t companyleaders around amyriad of metrics diminishesit,whythey leave, and whythey —fromworkforceproductivitytoagility. stay. Sixkey findings cameoutof our research, just focus on their customers; Businesses are copingwithhow toupskill andfrom these, wederived sixkey themes. they focus internally on their andreskill theworkforce, acceleratedigital transformation, and understand and assimilate Above all, wesee that theemployee deal — employees as well. Happy, ayounger generation of workers witha essentially, theemployee value proposition — engaged,andempowered diferent set of values. They mustretain and mustbere-engineered. Employeesfeel they attract talent in a competitivemarketplace and havegiven their all, especially since 2020, employees arewhatmakean acontinually evolving business environment andthey expect morefrom their employers wheresuccess requires agility. in return. Theemployee deal comprises the organization go beyond explicit and implicit promises to employees, being successful to being I know someof you maybe thinking,“What? encompassing everything from total rewards to Addressingthechallenges of theworkforce broader concepts suchas fairness, inclusion, truly transformational. andimprovingtheemployeeexperience has career care, purpose, and well-being. never been morecomplex, and I’mexhausted, not excited!” 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 3

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