A B O U T O U R S U R V E Y TheStateof Performance Enablement survey was 2 0 2 9 T O T A L R E S P O N D E N T S conducted by Betterworks from December20-22, 2022. This is thesecond annual deploymentof this survey. The Location Gender final sample of the survey was composed of 2029 randomly selected fully employed persons (aged 18 or older), balanced for gender andage, whoare employed at organizations withastaf sizeof 1,000or moreemployees. Respondents MALE: fromtheUS andtheUK wererandomly provided bythe UK:29% independent market research firm SurveyMonkey. The 45% survey hadamargin of error of +/-3 percentagepointsat a 95%level of confidence. USA:71% FEMALE: 55% Discover Betterworks Companieslike Colgate-Palmolive, Intuit,FreddieMac,andUdemy rely on Betterworksas their performancemanagement infrastructure —enablinggreat performancethrough dedicatedpeopletechnology. Betterworks’ best-in-class HR talentmanagement solutionsare designedtodrive exceptionalperformancebyputtingemployee experienceat theheartof how companies align, motivate, retain, anddevelop their people. UnlikelegacyHR technology, Betterworksis a lightweight,enterprise-readysolutionthatintegrateswith thetools. betterworks.com ©Copyright 2013-2023 Betterworks.All rights reserved. Varioustrademarks held by their respective owners.

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