Technology plays acritical role in supporting Anotherfactorinfeeling enabled ishow Only 1in 4 employees have managersand employees so that positive integrated performancemanagement performance management F sentimentscantake root and flourish.The technologyisintotheflow of work.When integrated into the tools they IN numbersweseeabove trackclosely tothe employeeshavetologinandoutof systems, use every day numberof people whohavededicated tools they are far less likely touse them.Only23% D for performance managementand career of our respondentssaidtheir performance IN development. Doing boththeright waymatters. management process(e.g., feedback, check- ins, goal tracking, career development)isfully G Ofthe57%whosaidtheyhaveadedicated integrated into theapplications they use tool for feedback, performancemanagement, every day. 6 andgoal-setting, 31% like their tool. Another26%saiditisinsomeof theirtools, Similarly,only 53% of people have a process but51%of respondentstold us they have to or tool to documenttheir career aspirations interrupttheir flow of work and go toanother anddeterminethecompetenciesandskills platformfor performancemanagement —and they need toreachthem,andof those, 30% 28%dosoonlyduringannual review time. haveatool they like. Whenwelooked closelyat thosepeople who saidthey have (andlike) dedicated tools for performanceandcareerdevelopment, 92% saidthey felt adequately enabled —versus 26%of people withoutthosetools. What’smore, this group had better Onlyabout1in2 people experiences across theboard. A large haveaccesstodedicated majority (85%)said they saw aclearpathfor tools for feedback/ advancement intheir organization versus 26% of those withoutdedicated tools. performance or career/ Similarly,91% of thisgroupsaidthey thought skills development performancemanagementin their company was asuccess—a67-point improvement over thosewhodidn’thave either a performanceor career development solution. HO M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 39

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