Good performance conversations with managers have a multiplier effect on outcomes across the board F IN 80% 81% D Always engaged I Very productive N 73% Always feel valued G 68% Always like working 66% for thecompany 5 60% 62% Themanager isone of the 55% 54% 55% mostcritical levers of employee experience, and overall, this research 47% 48% shows employee confidencein their managers. Whereonly39% of people 40% saidtheyalways likeworking for their company,48%saidtheyalways like workingfor their direct manager — andonly11%saidtheyrarely or never like working for their boss. 30% Let’s begin withconversations 26% around performance. Whenpeople 20% are satisfied withtheconversations theyhavewithmanagers about their performanceandworkgoals, thereis 12% amultiplierefect on outcomesacross 10% 11% theboard.Well-coachedemployees 9% aremorelikelytosaytheyarealways engaged,veryproductive,always feel they belong andare valued, and like Always Sometimes Rarely Never workingat theircompany. HO Satisfaction withmanager conversations M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 32

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