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Forreviewstofeel unbiased, Employees whogetfeedbackfromtheirteam RECOMMENDATION 78%ofemployeeswant morethanone in reviews are 2-4.5x more likely to feel F source of feedback on their work reviewsareunbiased IN D 9% Employees whosee reviews as very fair Implementananytime feedback I 12% and equitable modelsothat employeesand N 10% managers canfreely request and G 50% Whenteam feedback is received and used in reviews provide written feedback, and use 2 Whenteamfeedback peer feedback in the performance 19% is received but not review process. Additionally, review used in reviews your performancemanagement processfor biases, such as recency, 11% Whennoteam confirmation, and negativity bias. 69% feedback is received To truly root out bias, HR should 1person 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% go one step further. Leverage 2-5people Notshown: “I don’t know.” AI, data, analytics, and reports 6-10+people to determine whether there are Noamount of peoplewill makeme Workerswhohadfeedback fromteam leaders systemic biases. Audit your workforce feel feedback is fair andunbiased andmembersincludedinreviewswere2.5x practices, including performance less likely toreport bias. Those who had no ratings, calibration, promotions, Thesweet spot here seems tobebetween ability for teams togive themperformance and compensationdecisions. twotofive people —but just havingmorethan feedback were 4.5x morelikelytosay they Investigate “leading indicators” of amanager involved ingivingfeedback islikely sawbiasinthesystem. bias. These could include whether tohelp. underrepresented employees receive Whenweaskedemployeesiftheyhad coaching conversations with the theabilitytoget feedback from team leaders samefrequency asother employees or members, 70% said‘yes’ and 46% said and whether the language used in that managers used feedback in feedbackquestions and responses performanceconversations. varies across underrepresented HO employee groups. M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 21

The State of Performance Enablement - Page 21 The State of Performance Enablement Page 20 Page 22