RECOMMENDATION F I N D Withfairness, inclusion, belonging, I and trust so intertwined —and N elemental —to the employee G experience, it behooves HR leaders to examine the processes and 3 behaviors that undermine these in an organization. This includes reviewing your performance management approach with your workforce to determine if and how it is viewed asunfair and biased, especially when it comes to how you enable career growth. If you don’t already have one, institute a calibration process that’s fair and rates everybody Wecanreasonablysurmise that the same way for similar types of achievements and behaviors. The perceptions of fairness include elements right technology will allow you to easily peer into your data to uncover of equity (in both access and pay), trust, sources of hidden bias. The results may require making inclusion, elimination of bias, the inclusion adjustments to your performance management processes or they may of more voices, and delivery of the lead you to consider overhauling them all together. The time to act is now, while employees are generally H promises of the employee deal. O feeling positive. M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 25

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