Employees are thinkingmoredeeply than Thenewsisworsefor front-line employees. Employees are most likely ever about their career development—and Only40%of individualcontributorssaw a way to think their manager cares F specificallyhow todevelop skills, grow, and forward. This is skewed abit.Many employees about their career growth — IN advance intheircurrentcompany. at the higherlevels were also older workers but 1 in 3 don’t think anyone cares. whoindicated theydidn’t need or wantcareer D To stay andthrive, employees wantmoreand developmentor advancement because they 56% Mymanager IN better conversations about growth and tofeel werealready at thetopof their careers or 30% Noone thatsomeonecares about theirdevelopment. closetoretirement. G Thisispartof theemployee deal: Employees 13% HR wanttofeel thatinexchange for theireforts, This begs thequestion, “Are employees 4 their employersare committedtoinvestingin getting adequate conversations around career 18% Someone else their growthandadvancement. development?”Theanswer isno. While38%toldustheyfelt supported in both Abouthalf of employees are getting check-ins Checkallthatapply their career aspirations and performance, 28% on career, advancement, and growthmore saidtheyfelt supported inperformancegoals than once a year. A quarter of employees InFinding1, wesaw thattrust inmanagers only. More than a quarter(26%)saidthey did havecheck-ins moreoften, butanother isas high as it is in teammates. Employees not feel their organization supported themin quarterreceive nocheck-ins about their echoed thatsame senseof confidencein either their performanceor career aspirations. careersat all. their managers whenweaskedwhoat their Thedisconnectistroubling:Aswesaw Amongemployees whohave check-ins, only company supportsthem.More than half of mentioned earlier, 75% of employees 31%said they are always satisfied with those respondentssaidthepersonwhomostcared prefer togrow andadvance at their current conversations. Wesee the fallout from this about their advancement at workwas organization but less than half (48%)see a in the way employees feel supported by their manager. pathway for advancement. their managers. Still,that number(56%)leaves alot of room for improvement, and30% of people said thatno onecares about theircareer growth. Only 38% of It is worth noting that —as withtrust — 38% employees feel employeesdonot thinkmanyinHRhavetheir both their backwhenitcomestocareerdevelopment. performance and career aspirations Fewer than 1 in 2 employees see Whilethismayfeel disheartening,given the are fully supported by a clear path for advancement in their organizations their current company. outpouring of efort by HR to protect employees and enhancetheirwell-being, it simplyindicates HO thatthere ismoretobeaccomplished. M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 27

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