Thereisan opportunityfor HR tocontinue pathing. Employeeswhoare alwayssatisfied making ameaningful impactbyhelping with theconversations they have withtheir F employeesdevelop andadvance their managerabout their career,advancement, I careers and bydemonstrating thatHR is and professional growth were 65 percentage N advocatingfor their success. points morelikely tofeel there wasapath for D advancement for them in their current company I Check-insmakeatangible diference in versusthose whowerenever satisfied. N feelings of support and perceptions of career G That means employees who are always satisfied with career 4 and development check-ins are up to 7.5x more likely to see a path for advancement See a clear pathway for advancement Always 75% Sometimes 48% Rarely 25% Never 10% H Employee satisfactionwithcareerdevelopmentconversations O M E 2023 Global HR Research Report: The State of Performance Enablement 29

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