Good performance conversations drive higher engagement and productivity. 80% 81% 73% Always engaged Very productive 60% 62% 55% 54% 55% 47% 48% Engagement and productivity 40% Creating a culture of trust, inclusion, optimism, and resilience can move the needle on engagement and productivity. Gallup’s research demonstrates the positive link between employee engagement, well-being, and shareholder value. In our 2023 State of Performance Enablement report, we saw an 18 percentage point increase in engagement 20% among employees who were always satis昀椀ed with their manager conversations versus those who were only satis昀椀ed sometimes. There was a similar spike in productivity, a key metric for most companies, among employees who reported complete satisfaction with manager conversations. Employees who believe they have good performance Always Sometimes Rarely Never enablement overall reported nearly double the level of engagement and 16% higher productivity than their peers Satisfaction with manager conversations who did not have good performance management. 6 The Multiplier E昀昀ect of Performance Enablement
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