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HAVING DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS Connect as a human, 昀椀rst Use the technology platform to handle the heavy lift of documenting and laying out the problem clearly, so that in the moment, you can focus on empathy, listening, and relating to your employee on a human level. Communicate actionable solutions Tough conversations should always include corrective actions and achievable solutions so that employees can 昀椀nd their way back to meeting your expectations. Make sure you identify and communicate a course of action for employees to be successful, and help ensure they do not feel frustrated or trapped by the conversations you initiate. Encourage two-way conversations Every employee will have their own perspective on the events that precipitate your conversation. Ask them for their perspective. Give them space to share their point of view, and be understanding of the biases and psychology of memory that might a昀昀ect both their perspectives and your own. Emerge with a shared understanding of events Document and share the outcomes of the conversation, so that employees can absorb them over time, once the emotion of the moment has passed, and take ownership for what happens next. THE MANAGER’S ULTIMATE GUIDE TO GREAT CONVERSATIONS 23

Immersive Experience | The Manager's Ultimate Guide to Great Conversations - Page 23 Immersive Experience | The Manager's Ultimate Guide to Great Conversations Page 22 Page 24