Organizations can encourage managers to: Additionally, organizations can focus on: 1. Talk about careers: Managers should conduct regular conversations, at 4. Mapping and articulating clear pathways: Make sure paths for least quarterly, with employees around career development. development are clear to all. 2. Create a plan and take action: Managers can help employees to 5. Supporting managers with better infrastructure, tools, and training: identify and then take the steps that will build skills and advance Give managers the support they are looking for. their careers. 6. Making it easier for employees to advance: Workers can change roles, 3. Establish accountability: Managers can hold employees accountable try out new roles with low risk, and grow in place. to grow and themselves accountable for encouraging, guiding, and 7. Providing organizational support for changes: Get structures into place monitoring employee development. that will support job transitions both before and after they happen. 8. Proactively calibrate assessments: Ensure workers are being assessed fairly and positioned for advancement, and do this more than annually, if necessary, to retain your star performers. For a deeper dive into these tips, with actions your organization can take to step up on careers, see our complementary Checklist: 8 Ways to Support Employee Career Growth — which o昀昀ers actionable tips on building and maintaining career paths. Read our 2023 State of Performance Enablement report to learn more about employee DOWNLOAD and manager sentiments for performance enablement, feedback, goal-setting, and more. 7 Avoiding the Engagement and Retention Cli昀昀
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